
The word that Montanans struggle with the most is…

If I'm being honest, spelling check is one of the greatest inventions of all time. The truth is, I'm not the best speller in the world, so there were no spelling bee trophies in the Wolf household when I was a kid.

It seems I'm not the only one who has trouble spelling certain words.

I mention this because recently the National Spelling Bee took place and the folks at Google decided to conduct a survey in every state to find out which word was the hardest for the residents of that state to spell.

The results were a bit surprising, as some states seem to have trouble spelling some basic words like “pretty” (California), “secret” (North Dakota) and “picture” (Illinois). There were certainly more difficult words that states struggled with, like “aesthetic” (New York), “physique” (Texas) and “unconscious” (Missouri). And what about Montana?

Image credit: Canva
Image credit: Canva

What word is the hardest for Montanans to spell?

According to Google, the hardest word for Montanans to spell is “privilege.” The question of why we struggle with privilege is unanswered, but it seems to be what causes us the most trouble.

Credit: Google
Credit: Google

“Privilege” is certainly not the hardest word to spell, but it is a little harder than some of the words on the list, such as “grandma,” “strawberries,” and “quiet.”

The interesting thing about all this is that Montana was just named one of the smartest states in AmericaAccording to the data, Montana ranks 6th in the United States in terms of intelligence.

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Gallery credit: Angela Underwood

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Anna Harden

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