
Grab the popcorn! It's time for NJ County Fair season

It's time for the County Fair season in New Jersey

It's time for the summer county fair season, which means lots of ice cream, fairground games, animals, plus the Ferris wheel and carousel and lots of fun at the fairgrounds. Almost every county in New Jersey has a county fair. Many 4H clubs are involved in the fair events and it's great to see the kids and their animals at the fair. Fairground games are always fun and everyone loves to take home a stuffed animal at the end of the night, but I think the most important thing at the fair is food.

What are the most popular fairground foods? My list includes hot dogs, funnel cakes, ice cream, popcorn, and pizza. Do you agree with my food list? What other foods would you add to the best fairground foods? Leave your comments below.

In a recent Pavement An article I found listed the 2024 County Fair schedule in New Jersey.

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