
New Hampshire Secretary of State shares efforts to boost voter confidence

New Hampshire Secretary of State Dave Scanlan on Monday released a progress report on efforts to strengthen public confidence in elections, following recommendations from a bipartisan special committee on voter confidence.

In a December 2022 report, the committee proposed several measures, including expanding training for election officials, increasing recruitment of poll workers and improving accessibility of voting information.

In its report, the committee found that voter confidence was high, election results were accurate and voting was widely accessible. However, it also found that voter confidence was lower than in the past.

Scanlan said since the committee announced its recommendations, more than 3,000 local officials have participated in online training from his office.

“We have dramatically increased not only the number of training courses we offer, but also the media and the way in which those training courses are presented,” Scanlan said at the hearing.

These webinars covered topics such as processing mail-in ballots, voting rights, and communicating with voters with disabilities.

Scanlan also spoke about efforts to make information about voting accessible in many languages. He said his office has created a voter information guide specifically for new Americans that is available in English, Spanish, French, Chinese and Portuguese.

Anna Harden

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