
Fastest growing group in Texas: Asian Americans

The Asian American population in Texas is growing rapidly.

Asian Texans made big gains from 2022 to 2023, growing faster than any other ethnic group in the state, according to data released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau. Their numbers rose 5.5%, or 91,921, from a year earlier. That was faster than the state's overall population growth, which grew 1.6%.

The increase reflects several decades of steady growth in the state's population and diversity of that group. And within that growth, the numbers reflect another trend seen across the state: the increase in seniors. As Texas ages, research groups are raising questions about the resources available for older adults.

The rise of Asian Americans in Texas can be attributed to an increase in immigration, both domestic and foreign. While the state has seen the largest immigration from Latin American countries, there has been an increase in immigration from Asian countries over the past decade.

“We are continuing the trend we have seen over the past decade,” said Xiuhong “Helen” You, deputy director and senior demographer at the Texas Demographic Center, of her key finding from the data.

Despite the growth, the group remains relatively small. Non-Hispanic Asians make up about 5.8% of the total Texas population. This represents a disproportionate growth rate with a relatively small increase in numbers.

“Every additional change leads to a higher percentage increase,” said Holly Heard, vice president of data and analytics at Texas 2036, a nonprofit research group. “But of course immigration also contributes to population growth. And since Texas is a state that receives a lot of immigrants, a lot of immigrants are from Asia.”

Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington saw the largest increase in Asian American population of any U.S. metropolitan area, adding 44,437 people between 2022 and 2023, bringing the Asian American population to 692,382.

The fastest-growing numbers were in the Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos metropolitan area, where the number of Asian Americans increased 10.5% from 2022 to 2023, putting it first among metropolitan areas with an Asian population of at least 10,000.

Among all age groups of Asian Texans, the largest growth was among the older population, with those 80 and older growing 11.4% and those 70 to 79 growing 7.6%. The next highest growth within an age group was in those 30 to 39, with growth of 6.6%.

This increase among older Texans was seen across all groups in the state.

Overall, older age groups saw the largest percentage increase from 2020 to 2023. The number of Texans age 65 and older increased 11%, roughly double the increase in the next fastest-growing age group.

Texas remains a relatively young state, with the median age of Texans being 35.7, compared to the national median age of 39.1 in 2023. However, the share of Texans over 65 will only continue to grow as the youngest cohort of baby boomers enters that age group, survival rates among older Texans increase, and motherhood rates decline.

“After 2010, each birth cohort was actually smaller than the previous one,” You said.

She warned that the decline in the birth rate could lead to a labor shortage that the state has so far been able to avoid thanks to international and domestic migration.

“Our rates are stable right now, but imagine when these cohorts of under-18s enter the workforce,” You said. “Then you're likely to see a decline.”

Heard expressed concern that the proportion of retirees entering retirement is increasing and that they may lack the resources they need, particularly as many delay their retirement.

“Texas is interesting in that our older population is more likely to be employed compared to the U.S. as a whole,” Heard said. That raises questions about what jobs they do there and what needs or adjustments are taken into account if they continue to work.

She is also interested in related questions: Are they working because they need to? Are they getting the support they need? And is this support as accessible in rural areas as it is in larger cities?

“Do we have enough services and care to take care of them?” she asked.

An increase in older Texans could lead to greater demand for health services and raise questions about whether seniors can afford housing and other services in retirement, You said.

Heard, the Texas 2036 data expert, also looked to the future, saying, “We have these populations that are getting older and older, and we need to be prepared for that.”

Reporting in the Rio Grande Valley is supported in part by Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Disclosure: Texas 2036 has been a financial supporter of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in The Tribune's journalism. A complete list can be found here.

Just in: Former US Representative Liz CheneyR-Wyoming; U.S. Senator. John FettermanD-Pennsylvania; and Governor of Oklahoma. Kevin Stitt will take the stage at the Texas Tribune Festival in downtown Austin September 5-7. Buy tickets today!

Anna Harden

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