
Idaho Republican Party program fleshed out

Dorothy Moon

Are you tired of witnessing the malicious attacks on the Idaho Republican Party and our upcoming presidential caucus? I certainly am. It is quite frankly disgusting, and I will call out the evil actors behind it.

The Idaho political establishment's puppet masters suffered a defeat at the 2022 Twin Falls state convention and have not recovered. They would rather destroy the party than see it led by me and our current leadership that actually listens to the grassroots. In the last few weeks, they have really ramped up their attacks on the Presidential Caucus because they think if it fails, I will take the blame and they can regain power.

There has been a concerted effort to spread lies, slander and misinformation about me and the group.

They say I unilaterally abolished the primaries. That's not true! The Secretary of State proposed a bill to abolish the presidential primaries, the state legislature passed it, and the governor signed it.

They say the caucus is disenfranchising those who can't vote on Saturday. That's not true! The legislature disenfranchised everyone by eliminating the presidential primary, and the caucus has been re-enfranchising as many Republican voters as possible.

They say the rally will be held in backyards and barns and there will be no election security. That's not true! The rally will be held in 210 locations, mostly churches, schools and community centers across the state. We've worked hard to make sure your votes are counted securely and accurately, with paper ballots, multiple security features and by hand counting in front of the entire rally.

It is disappointing to see these groups seek to distort so many facts. They think they are harming me, but in reality they are harming Republican voters in Idaho, the grassroots, the people on the ground who care about Idaho remaining a conservative state. It is unfortunate that these groups have sent out unauthorized and unsigned bulletins and fliers that appear to be aimed at sowing discord and spreading disinformation rather than promoting understanding. This deliberate misrepresentation only serves to deepen hostility within the party. We encourage those sowing discord to strive for clarity and honesty in their discourse rather than resorting to slander and mudslinging as they have done in the past.

Frankly, this is all unscrupulous. It borders on election rigging. It is an attempt to confuse and disempower voters a second time by spreading misinformation about the caucus in the hope that no one shows up.

Just last week, a new letter was sent out accusing me of unilaterally disenfranchising veterans. It was even supposedly supported by Republicans, quoting a former Republican congressman. But the man behind the letter is not even a Republican, but a newly appointed Democratic congressman named Todd Achilles. Not only is he a Democrat, but he is also one of the activists behind the Ranked Choice Voting Initiative. Talk about wolves in sheep's clothing!

It is important to remember that this whole situation arose because the Secretary of State, the legislature and the governor decided to eliminate the March presidential primary without consulting the party. Republicans in Idaho had worked with the legislature after the 2012 caucus to create the March primary.

And guess what?! They're at it again, pushing a new bill to combine the presidential and legislative primaries in April. Not only would this not solve the problem of making Idaho relevant to the presidential races, but it would seriously hurt incumbent legislators who have only a few days to run their own campaigns after the session ends. This is a compromise that no one likes, and we could have told the sponsors that if they had asked.

This attempt to sabotage the caucus will not succeed. Our team has worked hard to make this a great and successful event, as have the thousands of volunteers across the state. On Saturday, Republicans will come together to raise their voices in community spirit and support their presidential candidate.

Anna Harden

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