
Granite State voters react to Biden debate blunder

New Hampshire voters are still processing what they saw during Thursday night's presidential debate. While President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump entered the debate neck and neck in most national polls, one thing stood out to many voters: Biden's performance. The Democrat struggled through much of his speech, stumbling over his words at times and appearing to lose his thread. It was a performance that set off alarm bells for some Democrats and Biden supporters. Earl Goodno, a New Hampshire voter, said he found both candidates disappointing, citing Biden's communication difficulties and a number of inaccurate statements from Trump. “(Biden) was scared and a little disoriented,” Goodno said. Asked whether the Democratic Party should consider replacing Biden on the ballot, Goodno said he thinks the idea should at least be taken seriously. Questions about Biden's competence are becoming a growing concern. Political analyst Scott Spradling told News9 that the issues on the debate stage brought doubts some voters have about the 81-year-old Biden to the forefront of the race. “It certainly does nothing to allay or affect his ability to serve another four years,” Spradling said. “That fundamental fitness question is now written in capital letters and screamed at all of us.” Biden was back on the campaign trail in North Carolina on Friday and tried to quell some of those questions, telling voters, “I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know what I know: I know how to tell the truth.” Trump also faced criticism after the debate, mainly for a series of misleading statements. News9's partners at PolitiFact found more than a dozen false claims Trump made during the debate.

Voters in New Hampshire are still processing what they saw during Thursday night's presidential debate.

Although President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump went into the debate neck and neck in most national polls, one thing stood out to many voters: Biden's performance.

The Democrat struggled during his speech, faltering at times and appearing to lose his thoughts.

It was an appearance that set off alarm bells among some Democrats and Biden supporters.

Earl Goodno, a New Hampshire voter, said he found both candidates a disappointment, citing Biden's communication difficulties and a series of inaccurate statements by Trump.

“(Biden) was scared and a little disoriented,” Goodno said.

When asked whether the Democratic Party should consider running Biden as its new candidate, Goodno said he believes the idea should at least be taken seriously.

Questions about Biden's competency have become an increasingly important issue. Political analyst Scott Spradling told News9 that the issues on the debate stage have raised doubts among some voters that the 81-year-old Biden is at the forefront of the race.

“It certainly does nothing to thwart or degrade his ability to serve another four years,” Spradling said. “This fundamental fitness issue is now written in capital letters and screamed at all of us.”

Biden was back on the campaign trail in North Carolina on Friday and tried to answer some of those questions, telling voters: “I can't debate as well as I used to, but I know what I know: I know how to tell the truth.”

Trump also faced criticism after the debate, focusing primarily on a series of misleading statements. News9's partners at PolitiFact found more than a dozen false claims made by Trump during the debate.

Anna Harden

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