
Orlando Democrat calls Florida Museum of Black History task force a failure

An Orlando Democrat called the Florida Museum of Black History task force a “failure” after a draft recommendation for the museum’s construction was released.

Democratic Rep. Bruce Antone sent a lengthy letter to members of the Florida Museum of Black History Task Force outlining his concerns about the manner and process of the task force's operations, as well as proposed recommendations that may be included in the Florida Museum of Black History Task Force's final report.

The harsh criticism that the task force is a “failure” comes at a time when Eatonville ranks behind St. John's County and St. Augustine in Central Florida.

The final report, which will be sent to the Governor and the Florida Legislature, will include recommendations for the planning, construction and operation of a Black History Museum in Florida. Rep. Antone politely asked the Task Force not to make any recommendations for the Florida Museum of Black History or a location for the proposed museum.

“Senator Bobby Powell and I passed CS/CS/HB 1441 with the intent that the Florida Museum of Black History Task Force develop design and construction plans to build a very large, world-class Florida Museum of Black History,” stated Representative Antone. “The proposed Florida Museum of Black History was extremely important to the State of Florida, Black Americans, and Caribbean immigrants in Florida, and was intended to showcase the contributions that Black people and Caribbean immigrants have made to the history of Florida and the United States. The Task Force met nine times and did not complete any of the tasks required by the law (i.e., CS/CS/HB 1441) that created the Task Force. Therefore, I respectfully request that the Florida Museum of Black History Task Force not make any recommendations to the Governor and Florida Legislature.”

Florida’s bill required the task force to develop the following:

  1. Plans for the location, design and construction of the museum.
  2. Recommendations for the operation and administration of the museum.
  3. A marketing plan to promote the museum.
  4. A transition plan for the museum's financial independence.
  5. Recommendations for the acquisition, preservation and research of archival and artifacts, exhibitions and educational materials.”

“Finally, the Florida Museum of Black History Task Force should quietly cease its work and disband tomorrow (Friday, June 28) without making any recommendations. The people of the State of Florida and the United States, particularly Black people and Caribbean immigrants, watched the meetings of the Florida Museum of Black History Task Force with great anticipation and hope that Florida would build a major, world-class Black History Museum. The Task Force has failed to accomplish the tasks called for in the legislation that created the Task Force,” added Representative Antone.

Anna Harden

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