
Singing “Connecticut Banana” is the stuff nightmares are made of!

I like bananas, I really do, but singing bananas with dead eyes harvesting souls is a whole other story. Have you ever seen the opening credits of American Horror Story? If not, every season includes at least one shot of an old-fashioned doll with an alarming look of indifference in its eyes.

This is exactly what I saw when Hunting Dog Lover 19 posted his new video on Youtube recently.

We can assume that this thing is an inanimate object, just a mechanical toy designed to amaze children until it spins agonizingly slowly and looks them in the eye.

BOOM! At this very moment, we ascend from innocence to chaos and find ourselves in the basement of despair. I have enough to do with work and keeping our household running smoothly, I can't worry about whether or not my soul is safe at the local grocer.

Let's slow down on the heated mechanical products and be a little gentler with our imaginations. I saw this video a few weeks ago and haven't been able to sleep since. I spend my evenings in my favorite chair, staring out the window and repeating the word potassium over and over.

PS: I love Stew's, just wanted to make that clear. I can eat an entire box of their cookies by myself and I did.

Want more CT news? Listen to Ethan, Lou & Large Dave's podcast. The show is available wherever you get podcasts, including Apple And SpotifyThe program is the same as on the radio, but with a few commercials and no music. You can also stream the show live on the Internet. I-95 Rock Mobile Appor tune to I-95 (95.1 FM).

Year of Fear: Connecticut's Scariest Stories of 2023

Some of the most terrifying stories of all time come straight from the state of Connecticut. There's something evil in our origin story, something we can't shake. Maybe we're cursed by the choices of our ancestors, or maybe we live near a gateway to a darker dimension. Whatever the case, Connecticut has plenty of unexplained and haunting stories to offer. Some of these stories keep coming back, and others pop up out of nowhere. In 2023, I wrote about many scary nightmares in the Nutmeg State, these are 12 of my favorites.

Gallery credit: Lou Milano

5 Famous Places in Connecticut That Many Believe Are Cursed

Connecticut is rich in history from border to border. The real-world stories here are often stranger than fiction, leading many to believe that there is a thin line between the living and the dead in the Constitution State. Connecticut has no shortage of ghost stories or ghost hunters, and there are numerous haunted locations throughout the state. Here are just five of the many places in Connecticut that some believe to be haunted.

Gallery credit: Lou Milano

17 Unspoken Truths About Connecticut Newbies Should Know

Just arrived in Connecticut? There are some things you need to know that everyone here knows but rarely talks about. These are 17 unspoken truths about Connecticut that newbies should know

Gallery credit: Lou Milano

Anna Harden

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