
New Jersey lawmakers urge import of woodchucks for Groundhog Day

TRENTON, NJ – The New Jersey Assembly Committee on Regulated Professions has submitted a favorable report on Assembly Bill 4296, which proposes an exception to the existing ban on importing groundhogs specifically for Groundhog Day celebrations. This bill is a response to the needs of counties and municipalities that are struggling to replace dead groundhogs that are essential to their annual celebrations.

Under the terms of Bill A4296, the exemption would allow the importation of a groundhog if a county or municipality's designated groundhog for Groundhog Day dies. The bill requires that an attempt must first be made to obtain a replacement groundhog in New Jersey or in a state where raccoon rabies, a variant of the disease, is not endemic.

In addition, the bill establishes the responsibilities of the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, including notifying local authorities of the exemption, providing guidelines for the replacement process, and establishing standards for the relocation or importation of woodchucks. It also requires the establishment of standards for the proper housing and handling of woodchucks under the care of local authorities.

This bill is designed to balance the health concerns associated with the importation of wildlife and the cultural significance of Groundhog Day celebrations. If passed, it will allow communities to continue their traditional events without interruption while ensuring the safety and welfare of the animals and the public.


Anna Harden

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