
The Biden camp, still in damage control mode, has released a new ad acknowledging Balk

President Joe Biden, center right, and first lady Jill Biden, right, arrive with granddaughters Natalie Biden, from left, and Finnegan Biden on Marine One at East Hampton Airport in East Hampton, N.Y., Saturday, June 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden's post-debate damage control continued into Monday morning, when the Biden-Harris team released a new campaign ad and announced that they had held more than 1,500 events in the days following Thursday's disastrous stage appearance.

According to the campaign, in response to Biden's poor performance in Atlanta, they launched a “weekend of action” during which they held the “most successful organizing weekend of the campaign” while also sending surrogates to more than half a dozen swing states to fill the gaps currently emerging in Biden's electoral chances.

“Beginning with a fiery rally by President Biden to inspire more than 2,000 voters in North Carolina on Friday, the weekend was marked by door-to-door campaigning, phone calls, postcard parties, picnics, setting up booths at farmers markets, line dancing, bocce tournaments and game nights,” the campaign said.

Biden's team held events in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire and Florida, according to his campaign, and secured the support of DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Governors Wes Moore and Tim Walz, former U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, U.S. Senator Chris Coons, U.S. Representatives Jim Clyburn, Maxwell Frost and Gabe Amo, and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

Using footage from Biden's stay in North Carolina, his staff quickly produced a campaign ad in which the incumbent president tries to make amends for his performance in the debate by admitting that it did not go well.

The 60-second commercial, titled “I Know,” shows footage from the debate and begins by pointing out the numerous untruths the former president has uttered.

“Did you see Trump last night? I'm serious – the most lies told in a single debate. He lied about the great economy he created. He lied about the pandemic he botched. And then his biggest lie: He lied that he had nothing to do with the insurrection on January 6th. We all saw it with our own eyes,” Biden says. “We saw the police being attacked, the Capitol being ransacked. He didn't do a thing to stop it. Nothing.”

“Folks, I know I'm not a young man anymore. But I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong. I know how to tell the truth. And I know, as millions of Americans know, that when you get knocked down, you get back up,” the president said.

According to his campaign, the 46th president has raised more than $33 million since Thursday night's debate, “$26 million of which came from grassroots donations. Nearly half of those grassroots donations came from first-time donors to the campaign this campaign cycle.”

After Biden's lackluster performance, about 72 percent of voters say it's time for the 81-year-old statesman to step down, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday, while an equal number say he is unfit for a second term.

Anna Harden

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