
Suzanne LaFrance is sworn in as Anchorage's first female mayor amid great cheers | Homepage

Suzanne LaFrance was officially sworn in, becoming the city’s first elected mayor.

Hundreds came to Anchorage's Town Square Park to witness the big day. A giant American flag flew proudly over downtown.

“When I arrived at City Hall this morning, the sun was shining in the east. It reminded me that bright days lie ahead,” LaFrance said.

In attendance were community leaders and former and current lawmakers, including former Anchorage mayors Tony Knowles, Rick Mystrom, Mark Begich and Ethan Berkowitz.

The Anchorage Police Department's flag guard led the flag presentation and the city's new police chief showed his support for the new mayor. Just last week, LaFrance announced Sean Case as Anchorage's top police officer.

LaFrance spoke to the enthusiastic crowd, hopeful and encouraging, but also pointed out the difficult challenges that lie ahead

“We didn't get here overnight and we won't be out of the woods overnight, but as I stand before you today, I have complete confidence in the future of Anchorage.”

The hour-long celebration ended with a traditional dance and song by native Alaskan dancers and cupcakes.

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