
This photo posted in a group in Maine outrages parents

There's a photo circulating in a Facebook group in Maine that I'd love to show you, but I can't. First, it would probably make you extremely upset, and second, I don't have permission to share it.

Before we get into it, I should mention that I can't confirm whether the photo was doctored or not. That's hard to say. It looks real, but I hesitate to say for sure. Regardless, it has sparked controversy, with many people claiming they've experienced similar situations.

The article reads: “That was last summer. That's a toddler riding on a running electric lawn mower.”

Imagine a man mowing his lawn. Sounds pretty harmless, right? Now imagine a 2-3 year old toddler sitting on the lawnmower's running engine!

I'll give you a moment to process this and maybe punch a pillow. I had the same reaction, outrage and disbelief.

When I saw this photo, I was very concerned. The comments on the photo were mixed reactions, which also surprised me. Some people were outraged like me and others supported this parent's decision to mow the lawn while their young child was sitting on the mower.

One person said: “It's not on the engine, so the risk of getting burned is minimal. And a lawn mower is a lawn mower. Go slow, cut evenly, and let the kid enjoy life.”

Here is the answer:

“You may not know that there is a sharp blade spinning at 3,000 revolutions per minute that would cut a toddler's arm like a dandelion.”

According to US regulations, the blades of a lawn mower with rotating blades should be cleaned within 3 seconds of the operator letting go of the controls. We all know how fast 3 seconds is, and in my opinion that is certainly not enough time to grab your child and save them from imminent death.

A paramedic then spoke up and said:

“I am an EMT and have over 30 years of experience in this profession. I have seen what can be accomplished in 3 seconds with a lawn mower and a snow blower.”

If it were a riding lawn mower, it would probably be different. But it's one of those things you can't risk, so please don't let your child sit on the engine of your lawn mower while you mow your lawn in Maine.

What do you think?

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