
The Best and Brightest Online MBAs 2024: John Behrens, University of Illinois (Gies)

“Servant leader focused on building high-performing teams, great cultures and brands that improve people’s lives.”

Age: 41

Hometown: Originally from Crystal Lake, Illinois, currently residing in Appleton, Wisconsin

Fun fact about you: I'm originally from the Chicago area and have appeared as an extra in movies filmed in the city. If you know where to look, you can see me in several major films.

Basic education and qualification: Martin Luther College, BA, Pastoral Care Studies

Where are you currently working? Heartland Business Systems, Head of Brand and Communications Team

What achievement in your professional career are you most proud of? I am most proud of my resourcefulness and resilience. I have taken an unconventional path to get to this point in my career – from initially studying for pastoral ministry, to advertising and marketing work at creative agencies, to corporate marketing and brand strategy. I have managed to carve out a niche for myself as a problem solver, helping others articulate value, connect with customers, and drive business growth. In this context, I am most proud of my recent work leading cross-functional teams to solve business problems quickly and effectively by designing and facilitating workshops that bring together diverse perspectives, create order and agreement on ideas, and produce outputs that the team can immediately use to achieve better outcomes.

Why did you choose this school’s online MBA program? I looked for three criteria in an MBA program: it had to be fully online, a high-quality program from a respected institution, and affordable. Although I felt like I was looking for a unicorn, the University of Illinois Gies College of Business' iMBA program met all three criteria. The program was incredibly affordable while delivering a top-notch MBA education from one of the most respected universities in the world. And as a bonus, I was born and raised in Illinois, so the opportunity to earn a degree from the University of Illinois also brought a lot of pride in my home state.

What did you like most about participating in the online MBA program? Participating in a truly global MBA program was the best aspect of the online experience for me. I had countless opportunities to meet, interact, and collaborate with fellow students from all over the United States, as well as countries like Spain, Germany, Australia, Egypt, Morocco, India, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, Costa Rica, etc. The diversity of the program brings perspectives and ideas that I probably wouldn't have otherwise been exposed to.

BWhat was the most surprising thing about an online learning environment? I wasn't sure what to expect in a completely online program in terms of connecting with the university and other students. However, Illinois does a fantastic job of prioritizing connecting with other learners and with the university. Whether through online social platforms, live sessions, office hours, online or in-person meetings, there were countless opportunities to immerse myself in the program and build community. The network I was able to build is incredible.

How did your online experience compare to your classroom experience as a student?
I felt connected to more people in the online MBA program than I did during my undergraduate studies. This is probably in part because my skills and attitude towards networking and learning have grown a lot since then. Certainly the technology platforms that exist to facilitate connections have played a role too. There is also something to be said for the value of learning and collaborating with others who have been in the workforce for some time and are happy to share and learn from each other's experiences.

What is your best advice to an applicant who wants to succeed in an online MBA program? It may sound like a cliche, but you really do get out what you put in. To be successful in an online MBA program, I think it's crucial to be actively involved, get to know fellow learners, attend online and in-person meetings, organize some meetings yourself – find ways to make connections and leverage them. I've had the opportunity to serve as a student ambassador and board member of our Graduate Business Association, which has enriched my experience immeasurably.

How has your online training helped you in your current job? One of my goals in studying for my MBA was to learn the language of business. Every day since starting the program, I have developed a better understanding of the needs of the business and the perspectives of management. I have learned to ask the right questions and have gained a deeper understanding of how my role plays into the bigger picture of our company's operations. I have also learned important skills that have enabled me to enter the leadership role with confidence and with the right tools to help my team and organization reach their full potential.

Did you receive a promotion during the program or immediately after graduation? The program gave me the skills and confidence to change jobs before I graduated, allowing me to advance into a leadership role in a new industry.

Why did you complete an online MBA program rather than a full-time on-campus program? One word: flexibility. Not only do I work full-time, but I'm also a husband and father of three children. Time is precious. I needed the flexibility of a program that would fit into our family's schedule and not crowd it out. An in-person program that would have required a break in my career or a move for my family just wouldn't have been feasible. Since moving wasn't an option, it also meant that my choice of in-person programs would have been extremely limited due to geography. Considering an online MBA program opened up far more options for me and gave me the flexibility to complete my degree without significantly disrupting our lives.

Number of hours per week for an online MBA: 15-25 hours, depending on the course difficulty and the number of courses taken

What is your ultimate long-term career goal? My long-term career goal is to be where the biggest challenges are being faced, the toughest problems are being solved, the most meaningful change initiatives are being considered, and the most important strategies are being developed. I want to maximize the impact I can have on the lives of others. Right now, I envision that as a leadership position in a growing company or owning my own business.

Anna Harden

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