
OPINION: President Trump picks a winner in Alaska

From Frank Dahl

Updated: 2 Some minutes ago Published: 2 Some minutes ago

President Donald J. Trump knows how to pick winners, and he has done it again by supporting Lieutenant Governor Nancy Dahlstrom in her bid to recapture the state's only seat in the House of Representatives from Democrat Mary Peltola.

Dahlstrom is a proven conservative fighter who will oppose Biden and Peltola's radical agenda that is destroying Alaska.

Mary Peltola has not proven herself to be a good fit for Alaskans. She won office through ranked choice voting. Since then, Peltola has decided to endorse Joe Biden's war on Alaska industry, his border policy madness, and his far-left assault on our traditional values.

Peltola only pretends to be “bipartisan” and “moderate” in order to get re-elected, but her enthusiastic support of Biden’s re-election and her voting behavior convey other values.

Peltola has worked with Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the far left, enabling their agenda, including more than 60 executive orders blocking Alaska's lands and resources and radical policies in women's sports.

As a state representative, public safety director, and lieutenant governor, Dahlstrom has been a fearless champion of our conservative values. She has fought to protect the Permanent Fund. She has partnered with law enforcement to fight crime. She has worked tirelessly to unlock Alaska's tremendous energy potential.

Border security is another area where Peltola is failing Alaska. By voting against HR 2, the Secure the Border Act, and against the impeachment of Biden's failed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Peltola has co-signed Biden's border policy. Peltola has allowed a flood of illegal immigrants and deadly fentanyl to pour into our country.

When Nancy Dahlstrom visited the southern border, she saw firsthand the chaos that Biden and Peltola have created. As a congresswoman, her top priority will be to finish the wall and reinstate Trump's successful “Remain in Mexico” policy. Dahlstrom will end catch-and-release. She will stop the flow of illegal criminals and deadly fentanyl. Peltola is too busy trying to curry favor with Biden to care.

Peltola claims to support energy production, but her “present” vote on the recent Arctic National Wildlife Refuge bill was a cowardly excuse. Dahlstrom will fight tooth and nail to develop Alaska's resources and stop Biden's onslaught.

Enough is enough. Alaska needs a representative who will stand up for the country, not a hypocrite beholden to liberal activists from outside.

Dahlstrom is also a staunch Second Amendment defender, a dedicated advocate for veterans and the military, and a fiscal conservative who signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. She will stand up against liberal overreach and defend Alaskans' freedoms, from our Second Amendment rights to free speech to our beliefs.

Peltola's record on all of these issues is abysmal, particularly her vote against a pay raise for the military and her vote against funding VA health care for veterans. Dahlstrom, on the other hand, has long been a military advocate. As senior adviser for military affairs, she fought to ensure the Army received the support and resources it needs. With Dahlstrom, Alaska's military will never be neglected.

In short, Nancy Dahlstrom is the real deal – a principled, experienced leader who will always put Alaska first. Mary Peltola has turned out to be a fraud who is betraying our state to please her liberal leaders in Washington, DC. The choice for Alaskans is clear.

President Trump knows what's at stake. That's why he's supporting Dahlstrom and urging Alaskans to repeal Peltola. He posted on social media: “Nancy Dahlstrom is a WINNER and has my full support,” Trump said. “Nancy Dahlstrom will be a great Congresswoman for the great people of Alaska, just as she was as your Lieutenant Governor. Nancy is a proven fighter! In Congress, she will work to secure the border, create jobs, lower taxes, promote American energy independence, support our incredible military and law enforcement officers, and defend our ever-beleaguered Second Amendment. SHE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!”

This year, vote for the true conservative supported by Trump: Nancy Dahlstrom for Congress.

Frank Dahl is the former owner of Blues Central and past president of the Alaska Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant and Retailers Association (CHARR).

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