
News from Magic Valley, Idaho


Red Cross outlines steps to prepare for wildfire season

Wildfire season has begun. The Red Cross of Idaho and Eastern Oregon is urging families to take precautions to stay safe during this high-risk season.

Basic wildfire safety includes keeping the area around homes clear of brush and materials that could catch fire. Residents should put together an emergency kit to take with them in the event of an evacuation. Emergency kits should include a first aid kit, flashlight, cell phone and charger, medications, family contact information, and nonperishable food and water.

The organization advises residents to back their cars into the garage or park them outside in the direction of the escape route. Pets should be kept in a room so they can be easily found in an emergency. In addition, residents should limit exposure to smoke and dust. They can keep the air clean indoors by closing windows and doors to prevent smoke from outside from entering the house.

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If you are caught outdoors in the event of a wildfire, crouch down in a pond, river or pool. If there is no body of water nearby, the Red Cross advises residents to seek shelter in a clearing or rock bed. Residents should lie flat, face down, cover their bodies with soil and breathe air close to the ground to avoid burning their lungs or inhaling smoke.

And finally, don't return home until authorities say it's safe. To prevent a second wildfire, residents should inspect their roofs and extinguish any sparks or embers, dampen debris to minimize inhalation of dust particles, and throw away any food that has been exposed to heat, smoke, or soot.

“Wildfires spread very quickly, leaving you with little time to get to safety,” said Scott O'Connell, regional emergency preparedness officer for the Red Cross of Idaho, Montana and Eastern Oregon. “Make sure you have an evacuation plan and practice it with every member of your household. A few simple steps now can make all the difference later.”

When natural disasters strike, the Red Cross provides shelter, food, emotional support and other assistance to anyone who needs it. For more information, visit


On Tuesday, Idaho Community Foundation (ICF) announced the opening of this year's Forever Idaho Southwest and South Central grant cycle, which invites nonprofits to apply for funds to meet Idaho's diverse needs. ICF's foundational initiative connects donors with community needs for maximum impact. Additionally, Forever Idaho's Regional Grant Program embodies the organization's values ​​of community-focused philanthropy and distributes the most needed funds through grants awarded in four regional cycles. The grant amount can cover any direct or indirect costs associated with an organization's activities, such as payroll, utilities, supplies and equipment. The South Central Region cycle, open to applicants from Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Elmore, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka and Twin Falls counties, closes August 15. For application information, visit or email [email protected]

A fire raged near the Blue Lakes Country Club in the Snake River Canyon on Tuesday afternoon.

Anna Harden

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