
Frost on flathead cherries affects summer business | News from Missoula

MISSOULA, Mont. – In middle-January underTemperatures around freezing point entered the Treasure State and left a lasting impression. The weather affected, among other things, the cherry trees and the buds from these special flowers.

In January the cherry trees were in their dormant phase, but before that it warmed Temperatures that affected trees and what they could adapt to. Bthen freeze came, This damaged the buds and the flowers could not pollinate too late April, the would ultimately produce Cherries. With cherry Since the harvest season is scheduled for the end of July, business is now being affected.

“These peoplesthas no cherries, there is there will obviously be no income. But these people, these fruit farmers still have costs. They must carry out a kind of spraying, Type of nutrient spray to keep your trees healthy,said Bruce Johnson, board member of Flathead Lake Cherry Growers.

Johnson said cherry trees are still being treated for next year's harvest and that some orchards will have cherries, but there will be fewer Selection.

He confirmed that the Flathead Cherry Festival in Polson this is the last weekend of July will continue as planned. Even though yields this year will be low compared to other years, cherry farmers are optimistic about the future.

Anna Harden

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