
People in California can't afford their credit card bills

In some California cities, residents are struggling to pay their credit card bills, in one case due to an increase in borrowing, according to private finance platform WalletHub.

Chula Vista, a city of about 276,000 people, saw the largest increase in credit card delinquencies of any other area studied by WalletHub. The city is seven miles from San Diego. The average age of the city's residents is 36, while household income is nearly $102,000 per year, according to Data USA.

In the first quarter of 2024, the city's residents experienced 85 percent more credit card delinquencies than in the same period last year. San Francisco ranked fourth with an 84 percent increase in credit card delinquencies. Other cities in the state where residents also experienced problems included Irvine and Santa Anna.

“One reason the delinquency rate is rising so sharply in Chula Vista is that residents are simply taking out more loans, as they saw the sixth-highest increase in credit card debt and the second-highest total balance in the past year,” said John Kiernan, editor at WalletHub, in a note shared with News week.

WalletHub's report showed that Chula Vista was followed by Madison, the capital of the midwestern state of Wisconsin, where people from that region had 84 percent more trouble paying their credit card bills in the first quarter than in the same period a year ago.

“Madison residents struggle to pay their credit card bills, despite having relatively low credit card debt compared to most other major cities and the year-on-year increase being small,” WalletHub's report said. “Considering that Madison residents are generally good at managing their money, the problem may be primarily that people who were already delinquent are defaulting on additional credit cards.”

The Texas city of Garland was also plagued by debt. The number of overdue credit card accounts there rose by 83 percent.

“Garland residents had the 24th highest year-over-year increase in their credit card debt out of more than 180 cities, which could be one reason for the increased delinquency rate,” WalletHub noted. “But residents aren't just struggling with credit card delinquency – Garland has the 18th highest delinquency rate for all types of debt combined.”

WalletHub used data from the country's 100 largest cities where information was available to determine which residents are struggling with credit card debt.

Des Moines, Iowa, saw the smallest increase in credit card delinquencies at 19 percent, followed by Washington, DC at about 32 percent and Detroit, Michigan at 34 percent.

Visa credit cards will be issued in San Anselmo, California on February 7, 2024. Credit card delinquencies have skyrocketed in some cities across the state.

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