
Stay Out! The Surprising Hidden Downside of Visiting Montana

Montana is considered a great place for summer vacation. In fact, every year visitors from all over the world travel to this beautiful state. While Montana may be beautiful, it can also be dangerous. It is important that you prepare your trip well in advance of your arrival.

Why you should avoid Montana this summer

Much of Montana's mountainous terrain is unforgiving. Grizzly bears are reported in parts of the state where they have never been seen before. If you're unprepared, your Montana vacation could be your last. Be sure to take the time to do your research before you head out or get on a plane. You could literally find yourself lost in the middle of nowhere or stranded on a deserted highway. If you want a summer vacation where you feel safe and secure in the wild, Montana may not be the place for you.

Summer is Montana's tourist season, and many of the state's attractions are crowded. If you don't like waiting in lines, dealing with unsuspecting tourists, and large crowds, you're better off avoiding it. Many of the places you visit will be littered with trash and piles of dog poop from previous visitors.

More people mean more crime, and it's not uncommon to hear of car break-ins in national parks and cities across the state. Billings, Montana has the highest crime rate in the state. It's important not to leave valuables in your car and always lock your doors.

Because Montana has so many bodies of water, mosquitoes are around in large numbers. Bug spray is a must when visiting Montana, and bear spray too. Bears are no fun either.

A vacation in Montana is not cheap. It can be difficult to find available accommodation unless you plan well in advance of your trip.

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Anna Harden

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