
EEE, West Nile virus found – NBC Boston

According to official reports, two potentially dangerous viruses have now been detected in mosquitoes in Massachusetts: West Nile virus and Eastern equine encephalomyelitis.

So far, no humans or animals have been infected with West Nile virus or EEE, according to announcements on the two viruses issued by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. However, the presence of both viruses is a reminder to avoid mosquito bites.

“Today's finding alerts us to the presence of EEE in Massachusetts this year,” Health Commissioner Robbie Goldstein said in a statement Wednesday. “Combined with yesterday's news that mosquitoes in Massachusetts have been infected with West Nile virus, we ask everyone to take the necessary precautions to prevent mosquito bites. We recommend that people use mosquito repellent when spending time outdoors so they can celebrate the Fourth of July and enjoy the rest of the summer without being bitten.”

Both EEE and West Nile are rare but can cause severe symptoms. The last EEE death in Massachusetts occurred in 2020, according to the Department of Public Health, after six deaths from EEE the year before.

Since then, EEE has been detected in mosquitoes in Massachusetts, but there are also more human cases. The detection of EEE in a sample collected in Carver on Sunday raises the risk of EEE infection to a moderate level in that community, as well as in Kingston, Middleborough, Plymouth, Plympton and Wareham, health officials said.

It's mosquito season again! Here's more about the most common mosquito-borne disease and how you can protect yourself.

West Nile virus typically causes fever and flu-like symptoms, but in rare cases can cause severe illness, health officials said. The mosquito infected with the virus was collected in Quincy on Tuesday, June 25, officials said.

Last year, there were six human cases of West Nile virus in Massachusetts.

Authorities expect the mosquito population to increase over the summer and, among other preventive measures, recommend avoiding outdoor activities at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active.

Anna Harden

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