
Pennsylvania lawmakers introduce bill protecting homeless rights – WPXI

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania – This sight is nothing new in the Pittsburgh landscape.

“People don’t sleep outside because they want to, they sleep outside because they have to,” said Rep. Emily Kinkead.

Homelessness is a public health problem that politicians are trying to solve, but the situation could be made even more difficult by the Supreme Court's new ruling that allows municipalities to criminalize people who sleep in public places.

“We don't solve the problem by putting people in county jail. We solve it by getting people into safe and stable housing and giving them the resources they need to stay there. That makes our communities safer,” Kinkead said.

Several politicians are currently supporting a bill to ensure that this does not happen and to protect people on the streets from tickets, fines and jail time for homelessness.

However, other lawmakers, including Representative Aaron Bernstine, believe there is a reason for the ruling.

“Police and government agencies have a duty to ensure the safety of their residents, and living on the streets is not safe for anyone. Almost all homeless people have untreated mental health issues. This bill would prevent local authorities from getting the homeless off the streets and getting them the help they need,” Bernstine said.

Others hope to solve the problem in the long term by providing more housing and not to further exacerbate people's criminal past.

“Instead of wasting time putting people in prison who can't afford to get out of prison, we should be spending our time and resources on expanding our housing stock, making it easier to build, and making it easier for people to escape homelessness and get into those homes,” said Rep. Lindsay Powell.

The text of the bill is still being drafted, but it is hoped to be introduced this summer as homelessness remains a current issue.

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Anna Harden

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