
AROUND ALASKA: Historic flight, fundraiser in a cabin and tern watching! | Around Alaska

Can you believe it's been 100 years since Noel Wien's historic flight? To mark this milestone in Alaska's aviation history, a centennial celebration was held at Pike Landing in Fairbanks. Governor Mike Dunleavy and other state officials joined members of the Wien family to unveil a beautifully carved white spruce statue in honor of the pilot.

Meanwhile, a nonprofit in Kodiak wants to build a new cabin for the public at the Pasagshak State Recreation Site. KMXT reports that only one cabin is currently available for the public. Friends of Kodiak State Parks is giving away a free four-day stay there, with proceeds going toward building a second cabin. The nonprofit will hold its raffle on July 5 at 6 p.m. at Fort Abercrombie State Park. For more information on Friends of Kodiak State Parks and to purchase raffles, email the group at [email protected].

A note for outdoor enthusiasts in Juneau: Eaglecrest will be closed July 6-12 for major lift maintenance. During this time, it will not be possible to bike, hike or recreate past Fish Creek Lodge.

And exciting news from the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center. At last count, there were at least 20 Arctic tern chicks around Photo Point and Nugget Falls. U.S. Forest Service officials say it's important to give these fluffy guys their space so that in a few weeks they'll be big and strong enough to begin their long journey south to Antarctica.

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