
Growing controversy over submarine funding – NBC Connecticut

A dispute is brewing in Washington over the financing of two submarines for the Navy.

Democratic Rep. Joe Courtney (2nd) is one of the sponsors of a bill to fund the construction of two submarines. “I think this is not just a hometown or parish priority,” Courtney said.

However, many Republicans in Congress and the White House support a budget plan that only provides funding for a single submarine.

“This bill provides for procurement where we can, training where we must, and investments in capabilities that will make our adversaries wake up every day and say, 'Today is not the day to provoke the United States of America,'” Republican U.S. Representative Ken Calvert of California said last week during debate on a budget bill.

A budget deal last year capped the Defense Department's budget at $886 billion. Some say the money would have been better spent on fighter jets and promoting military innovation.

It is unclear whether the reduction in submarine construction will affect orders at Groton-based Electric Boat. The company did not respond to a request for comment this week.

EB has announced that it plans to hire 5,000 new employees this year to cope with the expected increase in production.

Supporters of the two-unit plan say maintaining construction would also send a signal to parts manufacturers and suppliers.

“Over 700 companies here in Connecticut are partnering to supply electric boats, supporting tens of thousands of jobs outside of their own direct employment,” said Chris Davis, vice president of public policy for the Connecticut Business and Industry Association.

Courtney said expanding supply chains could be difficult and that is why he had resisted previous efforts to restrict construction.

He also said that nuclear submarines must be part of a modern army, pointing to China's missile stockpile that could shoot down ships.

Courtney also noted that Ukraine had succeeded in repelling Russia's surface ships.

“It’s submarines that really change the dynamic,” he said.

This is also one of the reasons why Australia reached an agreement with the US and UK to purchase nuclear submarines in 2021.

As part of the AUKUS agreement, the US has agreed to sell three submarines to Australia starting in 2032.

However, the president can resign if the Navy needs more submarines. Courtney said the Navy should have 66 attack submarines but currently has only 50, and three of them are scheduled to be retired in the next few years.

“Every time you take a submarine out of the inventory, I think that decision becomes more difficult,” Courtney said.

The AUKUS deal included orders for electric boats.

Anna Harden

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