
Video shows alligator lurking under Publix shopping cart in South Carolina

A Publix supermarket in South Carolina recently got an unexpected “shopper” in the form of an alligator found under a group of shopping carts outside the supermarket.

The alligator was spotted near the entrance of the grocery store before officers from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) were called to the scene.

A video of the reptile shows a hurdle made of shopping carts and yellow tape to cordon off the area where the alligator was hiding.

According to the footage, customers and employees can be seen near the cordon monitoring the scene.

The alligator appears to be minding his own business as he lies under the cart with his tail sticking out at the end.

The alligator was spotted near the entrance of the grocery store before officers from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) were called to the scene.

“One of our staff responded and saw that the alligator had a shotgun pellet in its head that had obviously been fired with an air rifle,” an SCDNR official wrote in an email to Fox News Digital.

A wildlife warden was able to remove the alligator from the area.

After the alligator's wound was treated, it was released into state waters.

A video of the reptile shows a hurdle made of shopping carts and yellow tape to cordon off the area where the alligator was hiding. Rich in stories

The SCDNR provides safety tips in case a person finds themselves near an alligator.

SCDNR safety tips for dealing with alligators

“If you see an alligator, stay alert and do not approach it.”

“Be aware of your surroundings, stay away from the water’s edge, and maintain a respectful distance if you encounter an alligator.”

“Feeding alligators is illegal and can cause the animals to associate humans with food, increasing the likelihood of negative interactions.”

“If you see an alligator, stay alert and do not approach it.” Rich in stories

“When alligators feel particularly threatened, they open their mouths, hiss, and move forward about 12 to 24 inches (this is called a 'bluff lunge').”

“Alligators are more mobile during mating season, which may increase the likelihood of encountering one on land or in a new area.”

“Alligators eat everything from small frogs and snakes to turtles, birds, fish and mammals such as raccoons, opossums and occasionally even deer.”

Anna Harden

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