
Before Sharknado, there was actually a “Gater-Nado” in South Carolina

This Day In Weather History is a daily podcast from Chris Mei of The Weather Network featuring stories about people, communities and events and their impact on the weather.

On Sunday, July 2, 1843, an alligator appeared in downtown Charleston, SC. ​​According to a newspaper clipping from the Time-Picayune In New Orleans, alligators rained down from above.

The article talks about the weather conditions that day and does so with the charm of 1843: “Sunday this week was a dreadful day in Charleston, SC,” it says. “But towards evening the oppressive weather was relieved by a thunderstorm, of which, and a ridiculous incident connected with it, the Mercury reports as follows.”

To put it in today's less romantic language, it was hot. The article says, “The whole firmament thundered and lightning… St. Paul's Church was hit, but not seriously damaged. Beyond that, we have heard of no casualties, unless we can call the rain of an alligator about two feet long such.”

According to the article, the alligator landed at the corner of Wentworth Street and Anson Street, about a kilometer from a body of water.

Although several people saw the alligator hanging around downtown, the article states, “We were not fortunate enough to find anyone who saw him come down – but the important fact that he was there is indisputable – and as he could not have gotten there by any other means, it was unanimously decided that he had rained down.”

The theory is that the alligator entered downtown Charleston via a waterspout. The waterspout may have formed over a river or stream, sweeping the alligator away and depositing it on land.

The newspaper also states: “The beast radiates amazement and bewilderment, which clearly shows that it must have had an extraordinary experience.”

To learn more about the day it rained an alligator, listen to today's episode of This Day In Weather History.

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Anna Harden

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