
David and Georgia Tennant had the perfect Doctor Who joke for the British elections

It’s safe to say it’s been a pretty wild few weeks for Doctor Who Star David Tennant and his family.

On 21 June, he received an LGBT+ Celebrity Ally Award at the British LGBT Awards and used the opportunity to criticise transphobic Tory politician Kemi Badenoch, saying: “I don't wish her any harm, I just wish she would shut up,” and immediately all hell broke loose.

David Tennant reportedly has a non-binary child and is therefore very outspoken about transgender rights. Like any good father, he doesn't put up with threats to his children. (And he wears his views loud and clear on his t-shirts.)

Tennant's comment soon turned into a full-blown row. Badenoch condemned him, JK Rowling condemned him, because of course she did, and then Rishi Sunak – now ex-Prime Minister! Hurrah! – complained, saying: “If you're telling women to be silent and wishing they didn't exist, you're the problem.” Damn right Tennant is (for fanatics) a problem – so would be any good ally and father in his position.

The Tories just suffered a devastating election defeat

Yesterday the UK went to the polls and voted out the Tories. Labour won overwhelmingly and although they have their own problems with transphobia, Britain as a whole breathed a sigh of relief. The Tories bankrupted the country. Rishi Sunak is now gone and Keir Starmer is Prime Minister.

And David Tennant and his wife Georgia (another Doctor Who Star!) have some pretty funny thoughts on the election result – well, funny at first, then they get serious. First, Georgia posted a photo of herself and David celebrating on the London Eye on Instagram Stories, along with the hashtag #turnsouthedidlooktired.

This is a great joke if you are familiar with the Doctor Who Episode “The Christmas Invasion”. At the end of the episode, Prime Minister Harriet Jones orders her troops to fire on a ship full of hostile aliens, even as they retreat. The Doctor is appalled by her actions and decides to take her down “with just six words”. He whispers to a member of her staff, “Don't you think she looks tired?”, sparking a rumour that Jones is unfit for the job.

While Harriet Jones later vindicated herself, it seems unlikely the same will ever be said of Rishi Sunak. But the Tennants aren't letting Keir Starmer off the hook either. Georgia denounced her poor record on trans rights by posting another, much more serious image on her Instagram account. This was an image of the trans flag with the words “Now don't let any of them rest until they protect and cherish us all.”

Well said. It remains to be seen whether the Labour Party will improve conditions for transgender people in Britain.

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Anna Harden

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